3 Import a dataset

In this part, we will show you how to import a dataset into the application.

This example will use the RICardo dataset provided here: https://github.com/gflowiz/sageo-ricardo

This dataset is about goods exchange between countries from the seventeenth century and early twentieth century.

We will use 2 CSV files :

Arabesque will be able to link nodes and egdes using common IDs between those 2 files. Arabesque will automatically remove links or nodes that are not common to the 2 files.

3.2 Load the nodes data

A popup window will open to help you select the informations needed by the application.

Flow import

Arabesque works with 3 columns:

  • ID of the origin node
  • ID of the destination node
  • the column containing the information on the transferred volume

The RICardo dataset comes with columns named accordingly but the name is not very important.

You can also choose an aggregation function. Arabesque provides the most common ones (sum, mean, median, maximum, minimum).

Aggregation functions

Links needs to be spatialized. This is provided by the nodes.

There is 2 ways to add nodes to the map. By providing a node file or by using preset locations.

3.2.1 From a preset dataset

This feature is a work in progress and is not available yet.

3.2.2 From a file

You can provide your own nodes file.

On the previous menu, click on Import Location. This will pop up the following window.

Import Nodes

Click on Browse, select the SAGEO_RICardo_nodes.csv file and click on Open.

Browse files

This files need 3 columns:

  • a column containing the node IDs
  • a column with the latitude of the node
  • a column with the longitude of the node

The node is always a point located in space with decimal geographical coordinates.

Before loading the file, Arabesque will need to know which column store IDs and lat/long information.

Use the drop-down lists to assign the right columns. Click on the Arabesque button to launch the map.

Provides field identification

3.3 New map

3.3.2 Default map

Arabesque will display a default map, with the most significative information and a default theme.

Default map

You can modify it like shown in the Functionnalities section.