1 Main page
The main page welcomes you and provides several informations about the application and a couple ways to enter it.
It is a page that you can scroll down. It is segmented in several parts:
- Welcome page
- Documentation and demos
- Gallery
- General informations on the Gflowiz project
- Detailed informations on the Arabesque application
1.1 Welcome page

Welcome page
- Arabesque logo : click on it to return to the main page
- Gallery button : to go directly to the gallery
- Guide button : go to the guide
- Project : visit the project website
- New map : creating a new map with you own dataset
- Load saved map : reload a map you created before
- Scroll down to access more informations
1.2 Documentation and demos
- You can come to this documentation by clicking on the link
- Arabesque comes with 2 preloaded maps on several subjects:
- London Bike Traffic
- Swiss Migration

1.3 Gallery
A caroussel display several screenshots of maps realized with Arabesque.

1.4 General informations
The main page provides general information on :
- the application (funding and contributors)
- the Gflowiz project that Arabesque is part of.

General informations
1.5 Detailed informations
Finally you can find detailled informations about the application :
- Software libraries
- Source datasets
- Licence
- Link to the source code
- Contact us policy

Detailed informations