3  Summary

This is the Flow mapping with Arabesque online home book, a free and open Source Software web application funded by the french Université Gustave Eiffel.

Arabesque is dedicated to flow and network mapping, from origin-destination simple or complexes matrices. Arabesques allows users to filter flow data sets (nodes, links and flow values), to play with geographic context (add tiles), reprojecting geography and to parameterise the semiology of the drawings.

Built in javascript and HTML 5, Arabesque provides a full toolset to explore, filter and geovisualize your Origin-Destination matrices. It allows also to build clearer and understandable flow maps that respect the principles of contemporary cartographic semiology.

Arabesque 2 is currently under development. See arabesque-dev github repository.

Contacts : Françoise BAHOKEN & Étienne CÔME