2  Introduction

Arabesque is dedicated to origin-destination flow and network datasets. This second version enables data to be explored, filtered, geovisualised and represented. Arabesque lets you create flow maps from your own datasets, using a web browser running Mozilla, Chrome or Brave. It is based on current technological possibilities, in particular those offered by the new web visualization and mapping libraries (openlayers, d3, OSM, Turf, NaturalEarthData).

General keywords: cartography, geovisualisation, matrice, flows, networks

2.1 Main steps

There are 5 main stages in creating a flowmap with Arabesque:

  1. Importing your flowdata sets (at least for weighted links)
  2. Processing flow data (creation of indicators)
  3. Data exploration and configuration
    1. Numerical filtering of data
    2. Dealing with geography layers or tiles
  4. Graphical symbolization (geometry and semiology)
  5. Exporting and saving the Arabesque workspace