5  Data importation

Arabesque also allows you to import your own data sets via the home page, in order to create a new map.

At least a link/flow origin-destination data file is required, formatting with three colums. A node file is also required for the geolocalisation of the origin and destination places.

In Arabesque 2, you have to declare or to import your nodes firstly.

For this tutorial, we will use for example the historical trade flows listed in the mobscol file. For more informations about this dataset see in arabesque-examples.

5.1 Nodes importation

If your nodes are specific, see Custom localisation file, otherwise you can use predefined locations with Standard localisation codes.

5.1.1 Standard localisation codes

Arabesque provides a list of codes identifying the most common spatial units at different geographical scales, at global, at European or at a national level.

At global level, for example, different grids are available (countries, towns, ports, etc.).

The choice of the world country level, for example, then leads to the identification of the type of identifier code: ISO2, ISO3, etc.

Once the type of identifier code has been selected (e.g. ISO2), the link file must be chosen.

5.1.2 Custom localisation file

If you have custom nodes data associated with your ODs, you can load the corresponding files by selecting the custom button.

Then you have to browse to pick a .CSV or a GEOJSON file.

The .CSV file must be in long format, and have separator : , and decimal : .

See example below.

Example: the SAGEO_RIcardo_nodes.CSV file

The most important here are the column ‘lat’ (Y) and ‘long’ (X) which will be used to geolocate the origin and the destination places, then the column ‘ID’

Once you have identified these three columns (ID, lat, long), you can import the nodes.

If you do not have a file for the geometry, you can use the codes identifying the reference data (e.g. INSEE codes of the French communes, ISO codes of the countries), to automatically geolocate your nodes. See Preset.

5.4 Import a previous workspace

Import a previously workspace of flowmapping by loading a project file in .zip format.

.zip file

Do not modify this .zipfile, otherwise it will no longer work with Arabesque, and you will not be able to load your workspace.